PinnedUniswap V3 LP Tokens as Perpetual Put and Call OptionsAn analysis of how Uniswap v3 liquidity positions effectively behave as perpetual cash-secured put and covered call options.Jun 23, 20214Jun 23, 20214
Designing a constant volatility AMMWe construct a constant volatility AMMs by changing the fee rate on a per-trade basis.Apr 4, 20221Apr 4, 20221
Gamma transforms: How to hedge squeeth using Uni V3Single-tick Uniswap v3 LP positions can be used to hedge the gamma of payoff curves like squeeth or any other power perpetualFeb 23, 20221Feb 23, 20221
How to deploy delta-neutral liquidity in Uniswap — or why Euler Finance is a game changer for LPsLPs can use Euler Finance to deploy directionally strategic positions on UniswapJan 12, 20226Jan 12, 20226
On-chain Volatility and Uniswap v3We can use the daily volumes and liquidity information directly from Uniswap v3 pools to extract the implied volatility of most assetsNov 21, 20212Nov 21, 20212
An Analysis of the Expected Value of the Impermanent Loss in UniswapThe expected impermanent loss follows a simple expression that depends on the drift and volatility of an asset.Oct 1, 20213Oct 1, 20213
A Guide for Choosing Optimal Uniswap V3 LP Positions, Part 2Uni v3 liquidity positions have to balance capital efficiency and the time spent in-the-money. We derive an expression that optimizes both.Sep 15, 20214Sep 15, 20214
How to Create Perpetual Options in Uniswap v3Perpetual Uniswap v3 Options can be deployed right now between any two assets, for any DTE, and at any delta.Aug 24, 20213Aug 24, 20213
A Guide for Choosing Optimal Uniswap V3 LP Positions, Part 1We derive the probability that a Uniswap LP position centered between an upper tick tH and a lower tick tL will end up ITM after a time T.Aug 4, 20212Aug 4, 20212